This site was constructed to provide a database of my collection Total Annihilation Maps, Units and Utilities. Please be patient if something doesn't work, I might get around to fixing things, but you can always drop me a mail. Feel free to browse around. Most maps, (the ones with scores), were available from the much lamented TAMEC which has sadly died and now only available via archive.
There are a few units available to download, by clicking the build pic, but you'll find a much larger selection over at Unit Universe. Best bet is to place them 1 at a time in your 'totala' directory* and run a skirmish or 3 to give them a try (*unless you are using TA:M and you should already know what to do). Any problems, try running TA Conflict CrusherDecember 2011
Limited number of Tilesets now available from the Tileset page.
June 2010
After weeks of searching old harddrives and back-up CD's, I have managed to find and upload all but 1 of the missing maps.
February 2010
A renewed interest in a 12 year old game, how often can you say that, has prompted an update to the site and even managed to break out TAE and Annihilator to try and finish off a few maps I started over 8 years ago! Don't expect anything to standards of the legendary C.A.P. & co. - previews coming soon on the Own Maps page.
I hope to get round to updating broken links and will try to finish off uploading the rest of the maps, but you never know what life may bring (SupCom2 maybe?)
25th June 2001
For those of you having trouble with the units, I have added a link to TA Conflict Crusher
5th June 2001
Just a quick update, started to add some of the units I've got kicking around my hard drive.
If you're the author of any of these units and prefer a link to your site instaed, please let me know.